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Ministry and Corporate Stances

The women religious of the Dominican sisters of Hope participate in the living tradition of the Order of Preachers to preach and to proclaim the Word of God with truth, mercy and compassion. As active, vowed religious women the sisters minister in various ways.  Eradition of Poverty, ecological justice, advocating for civil rights, access to healthcare, retreat and spiritual directionand access to education are among the DSH priorities.

Through out the last 25 years the DSH have dedicated their lives in service to stances:

  • Against Racism
  • Against Human Trafficking
  • Against the Death Penalty
  • In support of Climate Change movement
  • Against Iraq War
  • For Global Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
  • In support of Immigration Reform
  • For Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Crops

Individual Dominican Sister of Hope sisters/Associate also work to support organizations that express the mission, core values, corporate stances and Chapter Calls. In the last 25 years the various sisters have been supporting the following organizations:

  • North Country Mission of Hope
  • Tutwiler Community Education Center
  • Benincasa Community
  • Saint John the Apostle School
  • First Friends
  • Harmony Farms
  • Desda's Grate
  • EPIC House
  • Spirit Alive Haiti
  • EarthLinks
  • Passaic Neighborhood Center for Women
  • Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center
  • Peaslee Neighborhood Center
  • Ministry Formation Program for Deaf Adults
  • Women Bearing Gifts – NY
  • Women Bearing Gifts – WV
  • Nora Cronin Presentation Academy
  • Newburgh Girl Power
  • Nuns Build

Please click each photo to view additonal photos

Corporate Stance: Against Racism

Protests against Racism, 2020

Against Racism

In 2020 the Dominican Sister of Hope took a formal stance against racism. The summer of 2020 saw an increase in racial tensions proceeding the murder of George Flyod. The sisters participated in the protests and hosted virtual discussions on the issue.

Click here for more information on DSH stance against racism.

Corporate Stance: Against Human Trafficking

Postcard Artwork sent out by the Dominican Sisters of Hope

Against Human Trafficking

In 2007 the Dominican Sisters of Hope took a fomal stance against Human Trafficking. The DSH congregation along with other Dominican congregations formally stood against this form of modern day slavery. They initiative was an effort to increase awareness and help victims impacted by human trafficking.

Click here for more information on DSH stance against human trafficking.

Corporate Stance: Against Death Penalty

Flyer for a vigil held against the Death Penalty, 2001

Against the Death Penalty

In 2001 Dominican Sisters of Hope added "Against the Dealth Penalty" to their list of corporate stances. This coincided with 25th anniversary of the death penalty's reinstatement in the US. The Sisters believe that the death penalty is not an adequate form of justice, and as such have spoken out about elimintaing it.

Click here to view more information on DSH stance against the Death Penalty.

Corporate Stance: Climate Change

Sisters blessing a newly plante tree, 1999

In Support of Climate Change

Since its founding in 1995, the Dominican Sisters of Hope have continually worked towards care of our earth and climate. The organization has worked toward environemntal conservation over the last 25 years. The sisters minister in caring for the earth by planting trees, creating gardens, educating others on the beauty of nature, and supporting climate change initiatives.

Click here to view more information on the DSH climate change initiative.

Corporate Stance: Against Genetically Engineered Crops

Initial newsletter sent out about the issue, 2004

For Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Crops

In 2004 the Dominican Sisters of Hope along with ten other Dominican Congregationa called for a suspension of genetically engineerd crops pending further study regarding its impact on ther envrionment and human safety. The sisters joined others in support for Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act, calling for the labeling of genetically modified food.

Click here to view more information on DSH moratorium on genetically engineered crops.

Corporate Stance: Global Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

Sisters protesting against opening of Uranium Mine, undated

For Global Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

The Dominican Sisters of Hope took a corporate stance for complete global aboloition of  nuclear weapons. The DSH called on the U.S. government to lock down, reduce, and eliminate nuclear weapons of mass destruction and further testing of nuclear weapons.

Click here to view more information on the DSH stance for global action against nuclear weapons.

Corporate Stance: Against Iraq War

Letter from Congress, 2000

Against the Iraq War

Since 2000 the Dominican Sisters of Hope have been concerned with the developing situation between the U.S and Iraq.  The sisters spoke out against pre-emptive war continued to request U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq.

Click here to view more information about the DSH stance against the war in Iraq.

Corporate Stance: Immigration Reform

Sister Holding Banner, undated

In Support of Immigration Reform

The Dominican congregations of the Northeast have all taken a coporate stance against current immigration laws in the U.S. The Northeast Dominican congregation advocate for immigration reform and an end to the seperation of families. The sisters support immigration reform that is compassionate and assures unity and security for immigrant families.

Click here to view more on the DSH support for immigration reform. 

Ministry Photos

Sister Jean Spena Serving Food


Over the last 25 years the Dominican Sisters of Hope have participated in many different ministries. Most of the Sisters were skilled educators or healthcare workers, but they were not limited to those fields. No matter what it is, the Sisters focused on helping those in need in whatever way they could. 

Click here to view more

Ministry and Corporate Stances