Browse Items (51 total)

certificate of consolidation0001.jpg
These records include the certificate of incorporation and the Rome Decree given the Dominican Sisters of Hope at their formation.

Pioneer Sisters Fall River photo collection F100 120.03 (back side)
These photos depict the foundational days of the Dominican Sisters in Fall River, MA.

This file includes records relating to the personal life of Sister Mary of Carmel Lord. The items include her baptism records, articles on her, awards she received, and numerous files about her death.

Photographs of Sister Mary of Carmel Lord which include portraits of her and photos of her teaching at the Art Studio at Dominican Academy.

A selection of finished artwork created by Sister Mary of Carmel Lord during her lifetime.

Carmel_Painted Card_1.jpg
Hand-painted greeting and birthday cards created by Sister Mary of Carmel Lord.

A collection of sketches created by Sister Mary Carmel of Lord that were taken from three different sketch books. The sketches depict nature, landscapes, people, and some abstract objects.

Pictures of the 1995 Leadership team for the Dominican Sisters of Hope during their term.

Picture of the 1999 Leadership team for the Dominican Sisters of Hope.

2003Team001 (3).jpg
Picture of the 2003 Leadership team for the Dominican Sisters of Hope.
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